What to Know
- The 6, 7 and L lines have the most frequent service compared to other lines in the subway system
- The 1 and G trains are two of the cleanest subway lines in the system, behind the 7 train
- The 4 and 5 trains are the most crowded of all lines in the system during morning and afternoon rush hours
If you're a straphanger on the 6, 7, or L line, you probably have a smoother morning commute than others in the city: all three tied for best subway service in the system, according to a new report.
The New York Public Interest Research Group's Straphangers Campaign released its annual "State of the Subway" report card Thursday, ranking each of the 21 subway lines from best to worst in six categories including train frequency and crowding.
If you live along the Flushing line, you probably have fewer complaints than the average commuter: 7 train cars break down less often than others in the system and are also the cleanest. Commuters are also less likely to miss an announcement, since 91 percent of 7 train cars deliver correct announcements.
The 6 train is tied for the highest amount of scheduled service, with just two-and-a-half minutes between trains during the morning rush and three minutes during the afternoon rush. That's roughly half of the system-average six minutes.
North Brooklynites are enjoying the good service before the big L train shutdown of 2019. The train line is nearly perfect in subway announcements and is virtually spotless.
The much-bemoaned Lexington Avenue line is also the most crowded, with 4 train riders squeezing into the train during morning rush hour at 112 percent of the maximum passenger guideline.
Avoid the three Lexington line trains on the late night or early morning, as all three arrive less frequently than average. The 5 train is virtually a ghost -- only 66 percent of trains arrive at regular intervals during the weekday.
It's easy to see why the C train doesn't get much love: the Eighth Avenue train is scheduled to come the least often of all subway lines and breaks down the most.