NYC Store Clerk Back at Work Hours After Being Shot During Robbery

The clerk tried to grab a gun from the suspect’s hand and was shot in the right hip and grazed in his right hand during the struggle

A grocery store worker was back at work Monday, hours after he was shot as he tried to grab a thief’s gun during a robbery attempt in Brooklyn, police said.

Two suspects entered the grocery store on New Lots Avenue near Bradford Street in East New York at about 11 p.m. Sunday, authorities said.

One of the robbers trained a handgun on Nashwan Said, the store clerk, while another rummaged through the cash register, grabbing money and cigarettes, surveillance video of the stick-up shows.

Said then tried to grab the gun from the suspect’s hand and was shot in the right hip and grazed in his right hand during the struggle.

White bandages and gauze pads covered Said's hip wound Monday as he recounted the experience.

"I was seeing the gun like he was shaking, scared," Said told NBC 4 New York. "So I tried to grab the gun from him and he pull it back, shoot me." 

He was rushed to Brookdale Hospital in stable condition and then went back to work at the grocery store Monday morning. 

The suspects fled in a black Honda and are still at large.

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