LIC Graffiti Gallery Gets a New Coat of Paint

and more from the blogs...

Get your morning scoop on whitewashing 5 Points, Screech's book deal, pick-up truck farming and more city news in today's local blog round-up.

Ever since the stairway collapsed, Long Island City's 5Pointz graffiti factory/gallery has lied dormant, awaiting a series of hearings and fines to clear up. Yesterday, the owners painted over the artwork with a fresh coat of yellow paint, as required by city inspectors. A "free canvas reset," if you will. [liQcity]

Dustin "Screetch" Diamond lost his book deal from Gotham Books after the publisher saw the manuscript and noticed, "It just didn't fit our publishing program." The supposedly "incredible" Saved by the Bell tell-all memoir will be published by another house instead. This could mean it's either extra-boring or even more juicy than previously thought and Gotham couldn't handle the heat. We'll see Sept. 29th. [Observer]

Max Brenner, the chocolate-making bald man, closed their store at 2nd and 9th street for good yesterday, despite an upcoming cookbook release and a slew of interviews in Australia. [Gothamist]

At restaurants, do you know what the first thing to go in a recession is, after the customers? The publicists! It's even harder than the months after 9/11, says one. [The Feedbag]

No room for a garden? Me neither. But these clever Brooklynites outfitted the bed of a pick-up truck with a garden for their upcoming documentary "Truck Farm." [Animal]

Introducing the first sex toy for dogs...the DoggieLoveDoll! Shoes, legs, stuffed animals and your girlfriend's pillow can all finally breathe a sigh of relief. [Laughing Squid]

Even though we've already got our choice of locally-grown Kombucha in Kombucha Brooklyn, Boing Boing published a helpful little how-to today for brewing your own. Proceed with caution, amateurs. [Boing Boing]

Do you have a New York blog or know one we should be following? Email and let us know!

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