New Gap Ads Involve Jon Hamm, Caroling Celebs

Oh, advertising industry, you know us so well! Not only is Chuck Bass currently making kissy-faces in a K Swiss ad, but Don Draper, the most dapper man ever to walk across the small screen, is modeling for the Gap. Actually, the strange thing about the ad is that it's most definitely not a picture of Don Draper, fictional character who lives in the 1960s, but Jon Hamm, actor who plays Draper on Mad Men in the year 2008. Hamm beams at the camera with both a cozy scarf and a blond woman (his girlfriend, Jennifer Westfeldt) wrapped around his neck. He does not look like a man concealing a terrible secret, and as such, we barely recognized him.

Along with the Jon Hamm ad, the Gap has also released their annual Christmas commercials. This time they're online only, but the format—odd pairings of celebrities belting out Christmas carols—remains the same. If the sight of Don Draper wearing an uncomplicated puppy-dog grin and a sporty sweater doesn't confuse you, wait till you see Flo Rida sing "Jingle Bells."
· Ed Westwick Poses, Makes a Kissy Face for K-Swiss [Racked]
· Mad Men's Jon Hamm Falls Into The Gap... Also Into My Lap! [Fashion Binge]
· "Jingle Bells" [The Gap]For more stories from Racked, go to

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