Destructoporn Aftermath: Bye Bye Ward Bakery

Remember Ward Bakery? We've had destructoporn from time to time and, of course, there was the locally famous parapet collapse. Well, from here on out, it'll be remembrance via photo. Atlantic Yards may or may not happen and the Nets may get sold to investors from Moscow and be renamed the Brooklyn Putins, but Ward Bakery is finally and definitively gone. This pic comes from the Atlantic Yards webcam. Fear not, however. If the Nets area is built, this will become a parking lot. If not, we're certain someone will figure out a use for the property by 2015 at the latest. It's just around the corner.
· Ward Bakery Rubble [No Land Grab]
· Atlantic Yards Webcam [flickr]For more stories from Curbed, go to

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