Pamela Anderson Claims Jessica Simpson Comments Were A Joke

Pamela Anderson has claimed she was joking when she called Jessica Simpson several rude names on an Australian radio station last month.

After Jessica was spotted out and about wearing a “Real Girls Eat Meat” T-shirt, which was reportedly a dig at vegetarian Carrie Underwood, who used to date Jess’ current boyfriend, Tony Romo, Pam reportedly slammed the newly minted country singer. But in a new interview with Access Hollywood’s Billy Bush, Pamela clarified what really happened.

“What did you call her on an Australian radio station?” Billy asked.

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“B***h. W***e. Sorry, but they were saying it too,” Pamela explained during an interview to promote her new E! show, “Girl On The Loose.” “They were saying an actress had wore this shirt and I wasn’t making it specific. It was a very funny radio show, like a funny banter going back and forth, and that’s what came out of my mouth. Obviously I’m joking. Still, I don’t believe in what the T-shirt said.”

Pamela said she did not know during the radio appearance that the DJs were referencing Jessica Simpson and her meat-loving attire.

“I didn’t even know,” Pamela told Billy. “I didn’t put it all together until later, until I was walking down the street and paparazzi were yelling, ‘Why are you mad at Jessica Simpson?’ I said, ‘What is going on?’”

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Pamela, a People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals activist, said she didn’t apologize to Jessica, but instead provided the singer some pamphlets.

“I didn’t say sorry… I sent her some information and I sent her a letter from PETA saying how the meat industry is horrible for the environment, horrible for your health and sent her some information about it,” Pamela explained. “I know she was just doing it as a joke ‘cause she was trying to do something to somebody. I don’t know what her intentions were but she definitely wanted to be photographed in that T-shirt and I thought, you know, put a smarter T-shirt on.” 

For more of Billy’s interview with Pamela, tune into Access Hollywood on July 29.

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