Eater Tastings: The Puke Commandments, Dissing Gordon Ramsey, More!

This week's top dish from Eater, Curbed's restaurant, bar, and nightlife blog...

1) Flushing: Who the hell do you think you are, Flushing Mall food court? We'll vomit wherever we want to vomit!

2) Flatiron: On a recent Kitchen Nightmares episode, Gordon Ramsey tried to save 26th Street lobster shack Black Pearl, but it ended up closing a couple weeks ago. To say that one of the owners has some parting shots for Ramsey is a bit of an understatement.

3) Lower East Side: Sasha Petraske is turning Milk & Honey into a private social club because you bloggers couldn't keep the phone number to yourself, could you?

4) Grand Central: The dress code at the Campbell Apartment is shaping up to be the greatest controversy of our time. Viva la Sneakers!

5) East Village: Speaking of controversies, has Death & Co., locked an eternal struggle for its survival, lost its lease?For more stories from Curbed, go to

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