Yankees Money Might Not Buy CC's Love

So time has been ticking onward ever since the Yankees went outside CC Sabathia's window, in the rain, with the boombox lifted up towards the heavens, blasting some poignant song of affection and unconditional devotion. 

And with nary a peep from the Yankees would-be betrothed, it would appear those lovey-dovey feelings are not reciprocal.

It's understandable, then, that Hal Steinbrenner might be feeling defensive after putting the franchise's booty out on the line. No one likes rejection. The Yankees offered CC their hand in marriage, a life replete with the finer things in life and all the money he could need; yet and still Chub-Chub Sabathia is looking around the dance club for suitors who may have a little less paper, but presumably fit his personality a little better.  Such is life. 

For the Yankees it may very well be for the best. Some time in the past decade, perhaps beginning with the curse of Mike Mussina, the franchise lost some of it's exclusive high-class mystique by paying for everyone's attention. Using money to compensate for a player's lack of genuine love for New York. Mussina was never really a big New York City kind of guy, but he made the smart move and signed with the Yankees for dollars. Same with guys like Damon and Randy Johnson and Clemens.

But with the abundance of high-priced players in town, yet lack of World Series titles, the reality should be clear to the big spenders: Money can fill a roster, but it can't build a team.

This is reinforced by some of the other local teams; consider D'Antoni recently taking a stand, and choosing to play undermanned rather than with guys that don't bleed for the team (Mr. Curry, Mr. Marbury). Or Tom Coughlin's repeated benching of his #1 wide receiver anytime he breaks the rules. Good teams don't prioritize talent or money over love. Winning and losing, in the big picture, is about the players having passion and heart. 

Fans may be disappointed at being spurned by the top pitching prize, but maybe the Yankees will find some of the other starters, or top hitters, more fervently interested in the qualities that make the Yankees the Yankees. Not just their big fat wallet. After all, a relationship that lacks love isn't good for either party. 

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