What to Know
- Researchers found that New York state’s most googled tech question is “can Macs get viruses?”
- New Jersey’s number one question was “iPhone or Samsung?” and Connecticut’s was “charge my iPhone?”
- 52% believe that charging a phone overnight ruins the battery.
Seventy-nine percent of New Yorkers own smartphones—and we’re using them to ask some pretty interesting questions.
In a study by High Speed Internet, researchers found that New York state’s most googled tech question is “can Macs get viruses?” For the record: yes, they can.
The study also found that New Jersey’s number one question was “iPhone or Samsung?” and Connecticut’s was “charge my iPhone?” The company used Google Trends to fine and then rank the most-searched tech query for every state.
Nationally, the tech myths some of us believe are pretty extensive.
The report stated that, based on its study, 52 percent believe that charging a phone overnight ruins the battery. That used to be the case, but not anymore.
31 percent believe airport x-ray machines can wipe a hard drive’s memory and 12 percent think that deleted files can never be recovered, the report states.
People trying to get rid of something will have to try a bit harder than that.