Bloomberg Launches Online Ad Blitz

Campaign ads are activated by keyword

Mayor Michael Bloomberg's campaign ads are already all over television and radio, and now they'll be popping up online as well.

Bloomberg campaign officials said Wednesday that the ads are designed to be activated by keywords.

That means if a computer user types "Mike Bloomberg environment" into a search engine, an ad that appears will talk about Bloomberg's plan to create more green jobs.

If someone clicks through to the campaign Web site, the user can sign up to volunteer.

There are about 10 variations of the ads. They are set to appear on the Web sites of New York City's major newspapers, FOX, CNN and other news sites and blogs.

Eight months before the election, the billionaire incumbent has already spent several million dollars on his campaign for a third term. He also began his advertising blitz earlier this round than he did during both of his previous races.

Analysts said his push for a third term could shake out to be the costliest mayoral campaign in city history.

Copyright The Associated Press
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