Gun violence

7 NY Mayors to Launch New Effort Against Gun Violence Following Mass Shootings

New York City Mayor Eric Adams along with those six other mayors from around the state will meet to launch a four-year coordinated plan around gun violence

NBC Universal, Inc.

As communities in Uvalde, Texas and in Buffalo, New York mourn the lives lost in the recent mass shootings, mayors from across New York state will be joining forces in an effort to put a stop to gun violence.

The seven mayors who are going to be coming together later Tuesday morning are joining forces in the aftermath of what has been a heavy, heartbreaking time for many people across the country due to the Texas school shooting a week ago and the Buffalo supermarket mass shooting more than two weeks ago.

New York City has also seen its fair share of gun violence with the mass subway shooting in Brooklyn last month, incidents of multiple kids getting shot, and even a deadly random subway shooting last week.

With all these horrible incidents in the not-so-distant past, Mayor Eric Adams along with those six other mayors from around the state will meet later Tuesday morning to launch a four-year coordinated plan around gun violence.

Although the details of that plan are not known yet, what we do know is that down in Washington, D.C., once again, a raw and urgent conversation about what we are doing about guns in our country has been taking place by lawmakers.

A bipartisan group of senators are at the table trying to come up with an agreed upon proposal.

"I may end up being heart broken. I am at the table in a more significant way right now with Republicans and Democrats than ever before," Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) said.

In particular, members of Congress are looking at proposals to expand background checks, red flag laws which would keep guns from those who are deemed a danger, and also raising the age to buy a gun to 21 years old.

"You just can’t go take somebody’s gun, but i think most Americans believe that all these shooters have one thing in common, right? They’re disturbed.They’re talking about violence. They’re acting out. And we do nothing about it until it’s too late," Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said.

This latest development comes the day before the start of Gun Violence Awareness Month, which is set to start June 1.

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