Urban Outfitters Is All Kinds of Political

Taking full advantage of today's election, the Urban Outfitters stores around the city have displayed every vaguely political shirt in stock, even though going to vote means leaving your partisan duds at home. Above is only a taste of the selection: the Israeli flag hangs out with Obama as "Free Tibet" just chills.

In case you've seriously procrastinated in snagging one of the Shepard Fairey "Hope" Obama tees, we spotted a stockpile at Urban. Ringing up at $28, tomorrow's election results will determine whether or not we'll see these on sale anytime soon.


· Toms Tallies the Vote [Racked]
· When a Political T-shirt Just Isn't Enough [Racked]
· In the Window: Triple 5 Soul Would Like Less Drama, More Obama [Racked]For more stories from Racked, go to racked.com.

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