The Last Picture Show

The Two Boots Pioneer has spun its last reel, and at Friday night's farewell party, for the first time in ten years, the marquee wasn't used to advertise upcoming shows. No "Night of Perverted Pleasure," Poultrygeist," or "Trailer Park of Terror." No, on Friday evening the sign said only, "Farewell Party, 6 p.m.-12 a.m." The last movie, "Night of the Living Dead," had unspooled a week earlier at midnight on Halloween.

There wasn't much doing at the send off. Mostly people looking through the DVD collection, which can be still rented from the pizzeria, and a glum sort of ache in the room. The marquee, which has become an iconic fixture the corner of 3rd and A, it seems will stay. And guests speculated on its future. To keep the trash cinephile vibe going maybe it would be employed to hawk the latest DVDs available (so when "Hack-O-Lantern 2" comes out next Halloween, East Villagers can get still get in the spirit). Another speculated that maybe the sign can be put toward good use as a countdown until Bush leaves office and Obama  moves in. Perhaps it'll get rented out for wedding announcements, or, in these tough economic times, it can tout recession special at Two Boots, "Two-for-one slices of the Dude, tonight only!"

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