Opens Today: Ad-World Genius in “Art & Copy”

Mad men? Hardly. This Sundance doc reveals the great minds behind great advertising.

“Art & Copy,” the new documentary from director Doug Pray (who profiles DJ culture in the excellent “Scratch”), turns common perception about the ad world on its nose, dismissing the watered-down, manipulative entries in the form and focusing instead on the campaigns that have truly shaped who we are as a culture, from your “Think Different”s to your “Just Do It”s. He profiles many of the rebellious minds behind these landmark ad moments -- George Lois, Mary Wells, Dan Wieden, Lee Clow, Hal Riney and more -- at a time when the industry itself (thanks to proliferation of new media forms) couldn’t be on shakier ground. 

“Art & Copy” opens today at the IFC; cinematographer Peter Nelson and executive producer Kirk Souder will do Q&As at the 6:20PM and 8:20PM shows.

“Art & Copy” by Doug Pray
IFC Center, 323 Sixth Avenue at West Third Street; 212-924-7771
For full schedule and tickets, go to

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