Fug Girls: The Stylish Evolution of Freida Pinto

Everyone loves an underdog, so the success of Slumdog Millionaire has been the warm-and-fuzzy story of the 2009 awards season. But as avid Hollywood-watchers (and weary self-accredited prosecutors of fashion crimes), we love Slumdog's meteoric rise for giving us Freida Pinto. Six months ago, we hadn't even heard of her; now she's dominating the industry's highest-stress period of endless junkets and red-carpet appearances. And instead of cracking under pressure and dropping trou at a nightclub — or orchestrating Kitson shopping sprees before “accidentally” releasing a sex tape — Pinto is delivering a master class on how to step into the spotlight with grace, an infectious smile, and a closet we'd like to raid almost all the time. Here's our take on Pinto's impressive string of hits and occasional semi-misses. Starlets of the world, please take note.

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Filed Under: freida pinto, fug girls, new york fugging city, slideshow, slumdog millionaire

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