Monday Mix: Gaga on SNL, Fleet Foxes on Fallon, Stream New Cults

Wake up, kids. It's Monday -- wipe the crud from your eyes and take a peek at what you missed in music this weekend (and some stuff you're about to).

If you missed Fleet Foxes' great set at United Palace last Thursday, take a gander at the six-piece throwing down a rousing "Sim Sala Bim" on Fallon this past Friday. The live takes on the Foxes' new Helplessness Blues are a lot of fun -- raucous, cohesive, dynamic.

Also: Fallon has similarly bearded indie-folk hero Bon Iver tonight -- not to be missed.

The ever-ubiquitous (read: wearing thin) Lady Gaga gave us an on-stage pregnancy that didn't really deliver (ha!) for her live take on tomorrow's soon-to-be-best-seller Born This Way

She also paired with SNL host Justin Timberlake and habitual weirdo Andy Samberg to "sing" a few lines about having a three-way with your BFF. Sigh.

Forget Gaga -- our piano money is on the Keys To The Future Festival, starting tomorrow on the LES. A celebration of contemporary classical and jazz solo piano performances, Keys To The Future takes over the Abrons Arts Center for three days of programming dedicated to the advancement of piano performance.

And today in "music that will fix everything," Brooklyn's own Cults are streaming their to-die-for LP starting today at NPR. We've got a few listens down already and are absolutely loving it. Sure, the weather may still be super dreary, but this is some serious summery jangle pop to get us out of the drudge.

What'd we miss this weekend? Tell us in the comments how bad we are at music.To the future!

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