Handbag Scavenger Hunt!

We've got the inside scoop: Over the course of this weekend and next, local designer Rachel Nasvik (of bright and colorful sumptuous handbag fame) will drop 90 bags at undisclosed locations across this fair city, and you could be one of the lucky few that find a freebie.

Here's the scoop: You might stumble upon one in a taxi or in a downtown club or in a store bathroom (who knows!) and find it filled with all kinds of goodies, from lip gloss and tarot cards to sparkly Thea Grant key chains. And just as soon as you start thinking, "I wonder whose bag this is?!" ... You notice a tag that reads: You did not find this bag, this bag found you!

Ready to join the hunt? Apparently there may be a series of under-the-radar participants in the two-week game, so nothing may be as it seems! Nasvik has set up a truly ingenious Twitter feed to supply you with all the clues you need to find your bags ... if you're clever enough to figure them out, that is. We know we're terrible at divining clues (though we've made some progress with crosswords of late), but we're determined!

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