Let the virtual food fly. Tonight, Housing Works Bookstore is holding it's first-ever Word of Mouth -- a food-literature series where chefs and writers gather to discuss the greatest of all literary genres.
Tonight at 7 p.m., the premiere evening will focus on food writing for the world wide web and features Julie Powell, the Julie of Julie & Julia (the real one, not Amy Adams, sorry) and author of the recently released Cleaving: A Story of Marriage, Meat, and Obsession.
Joining Miss Powell is Amanda Hesser, former New York Times food critic and curator of Food52, a cookbook that she crowd-sourced last year with fellow panelist and food writer Merrill Stubbs; Ed Levine, founder of the blog SeriousEats; and Cathy Erway of Not Eating Out in New York, a blog about her experience of cooking all her meals at home (she didn't even order on Seamless Web!) for two years. The evening will be moderated by Lynn Andriani, senior editor of Publishers Weekly and a former Gourmet contributor.
The panelists will surely answer all of your burning questions, like, is the end near for food magazines? (The much-publicized closing of Gourmet magazine in November, after 69 years, seems to indicate that it is so.) Will blogs and interactive recipe sites like Food52 be able to pick up where the likes of Gourmet left off?
It's worth stopping by, if only to find out if Julie is as big a bitch in real life as she was in the movie. (Also, beer and wine will be served.)
The event is free, but if you want to sit down, get there early.
7 p.m.
Housing Works Bookstore Cafe
126 Crosby Street