
‘Phubbing' Could Be Ruining Your Relationship

Could cell phone use be the root cause for your bad relationships?

That urge to check your smartphone may be the culprit. A constant desire to check the latest social network or text chat on your phone while with someone else now has a name -- "phubbing" or phone snubbing. 

James A. Roberts, a professor of marketing at Baylor University Hankamer School of Business, and one of authors of a new study on the subject published in the journal "Computers In Human Behavior," says phubbing could be ruining your relationships.

It may create hurt feelings and even depression, he says. 

For the study, Roberts and his research partner conducted two separate surveys of more than 450 U.S. adults to learn the relational effects of "Pphubbing" or partner phubbing. The authors wanted to determine how much people use or get distracted by their cellphones when with they're with their significant others. Click through for more on the study. 

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