2 Women Wanted in Brick-Hurling, Chair-Chucking Attack on MTA Bus

No injuries were reported, but the bus was damaged in the wild fray, which was all caught on the vehicle's security camera

What to Know

  • Cops are looking for two women in a wild attack on an MTA bus in the Bronx; it happened during rush hour on June 25
  • The women had been fighting with other passengers and when they were asked to get off, they started throwing rocks, bricks and a chair
  • Authorities released footage of the confrontation from the bus' security camera; anyone with info is asked to call 1-800-577-TIPS

Police are looking for two women in connection with a wild chair- and brick-throwing attack on an MTA bus in the Bronx. 

The two women got into an argument with other passengers aboard a BX11 bus during the evening rush back on June 25. The driver tried to intervene and told the women to get off the bus, at which point the women allegedly launched an all-out assault on the vehicle, throwing a chair, bricks and rocks at the windows and breaking at least one of them, police say. 

Security video from the bus shows the women walking along the street and picking up anything they could find on the ground, then hurling it at the bus. They each also purposely force the front windshield wipers back, then slam them into the windshield, causing damage, authorities say. 

The women then ran off with several other people westbound on East 170th Street toward Grand Concourse. No injuries were reported.

Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS.

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