Looking for a good place to grab a meat-less bite to eat? Look no further than right here at home.
New York City is ranked the best city in the country for vegetarian and vegans, according to a new report.
The WalletHub report gives NYC a total score of 67.29, with Portland, Oregon and Orlando rounding out the top three. Jersey City and Newark are the only other cities in the tri-state to crack the top 100.
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The report ranks NYC as the No. 1 city with the highest percent of restaurants serving vegetarian options and No. 4 in vegan options. Sorry, New Jersey residents -- the report puts Newark at dead last in vegetarian options and second to last for vegans.
NYC also has the most salad shops and juice and smoothie bars per capita than any other city on the list.
Newark and Jersey City sit at the bottom of the vegetable nurseries per capita, which is the only category NYC doesn’t crack the top 5 in.