Divorce Billboard Turning Drivers' Attention Away From the Road

What to Know

  • An Albany billboard appears to feature a giant raised middle finger, but it’s actually a ring finger
  • The advertisement is for We the People’s divorce services
  • The billboard is a part of We the People’s series of provocative ads

Don’t worry, that billboard you sped past on Delaware Avenue wasn’t flipping you off.

At first glance, an Albany billboard appears to feature a giant raised middle finger, but it’s actually a ring finger. The advertisement is for We the People’s divorce services, which are being offered for the price of $499.

The blown-up finger sports a wedding band, and next to it in bold text are the words “I’m DONE.”

The billboard is a part of We the People’s series of provocative ads. The company also offers services dealing with other legal matters including bankruptcy and legal separation. 

"We try to keep it light," Rose Szymborksi, We the People's Albany office manager, said. "Obviously we know divorce is a serious thing, but we help people save a lot of money and help people who may not be able to get through the process on their own."

The company's past ads have included a holiday special (Didn't get the gift you hoped for? Divorce $499) and Saratoga racetrack one (Didn't pick a winner? Divorce $499). 

While their current ad is definitely eye-catching, there have been complaints, according to Szymborski. Most people have mixed feelings about the marketing strategy. 

“It certainly grabs your attention, but I don’t think this is an ad that I would choose to run,” a family lawyer on Twitter wrote.

Other drivers just think the sign is simply amusing. “I can’t stop laughing,” one Twitter user said.

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