The haute couturier may have been recently saved from bankruptcy, but you never really know if a sale on his impeccably-designed goods will come around again (this being billed as the first), so early arrivals will likely be rewarded.
The sale promises up to 70 percent off a variety of Lacroix's ready-to-wear merchandise -- from dresses and coats to high-end knitwear (alas, the couture bride from Lacroix's most recent show, pictured, will not be on sale, though it remains one of his greatest creations). The event is being held in conjunction with Italian suit-maker Isaia Napoli, making this sample sale one of the few you could probably make into a couples event.
Christian Lacroix Sample Sale
Tuesday, November 17 - Friday, November 20, 10AM-7PM; Saturday, November 21, 10AM-1PM
260 Fifth Avenue