"Tragic": The travails of forsaken Hamptons real estate. [WSJ]
Realtors on commercial real estate: Everything bad, getting worse. [GlobeSt]
Victory for tenants in Section 8 discrimination case. [NY Times]
Vacancy! Diaz and Rivera square off for Carrion's Beep spot in the Bronx. [NY Times]
DOA in Albany? Electeds, advocates hate on Ravitch M.T.A. plan for tolls, taxes, cuts. [NY Times]
In an LED world, neon beacons shine on. [NY Times]
Four collared in $10 million subprime mortgage scam. [NY Post]
Love it or hate it: New Yorkers can't agree over $75 billion for housing. [NYDN]
Oscar-worthy movies about... real estate? [NYDN]