Kinks at Co.

Restaurant Girl has some harsh words for Co. today, though she gives it two stars — “People care about toppings, too. Where's the sauce? And where's the flavor, especially in the Margherita pizza — the true measure of any good pizza place?” — and a trusted foodie tipster has more complaints: “I just had a borderline-terrible lunch at Co. They were out of the soup and chicken liver toast, had no special pie, and service was inattentive at best. The wait was over a half hour for the first two pies (there were exactly 15 customers) and then another 20 minutes before the third pie. The table next to us was complaining that everything they had was burnt.” On the other hand, Bruni likes his spinach leaves singed.

Read more posts by Daniel Maurer

Filed Under: co., company, lunch, pizza, The Other Critics

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