Mike & Chris Sample Sale May Be Cancelled

The Mike & Chris sample sale that was supposed to begin at 10am this morning in a space at 447 West 36th Street on the far west side—the brand's first-ever east coast sample sale—may have been called off. Word is pouring in from tipsters, many who schlepped over there only to find lines of other confused, angry shoppers.

The first report, from a Racked reader: "They haven't showed up yet. There's a chance someone (preferably with the clothes) will arrive, but at this point, it's anyone's guess." And then, this email landed in the Racked inbox: "Sign on the door at 11:00 AM said that Mike & Chris sample sale has been 'cancelled until further notice because the designer never showed up.' The sign originally said postponed, but that had been crossed out and replaced with the word cancelled." When mistakes like this happen, it's the sample sale devotees that suffer. "I could have been in line at Chloé" emailed one sad soul.
UPDATE: Fashionindie reports that Mike & Chris "is going belly up." We're going to go ahead and assume this is why the sale was cancelled.
· Crucial Mike & Chris Sale Update [Racked]For more stories from Racked, go to racked.com.

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