Back Off, Jacko

Men of Manhattan won’t leave McCartney’s ex alone

It's because she smells like barbecue!

West Village resident Heather Mills says that Manhattan guys are always after her. Kevin Kline and Paul Dano, who are in the upcoming film The Extra Man together, ate at Swifty's the other day. Danny Boyle and Dev Patel -- Slumdog Millionaire director and star, respectively — had coffee at Amalia. Lizzie Grubman had a baby boy. Get out the car seat.

Cin says that Hillary showed up at, then left, a swearing-in party before the arrival of Chelsea and Bill, who, typically, lectured people and was the last to leave. And Cin says: Oprah told Elie Wiesel she'd try to help him replenish funds his foundation lost because of the Madoff mess. And Cin says: Obama chief strategist David Axelrod originally said he'd stay in Chicago with his family, but just took an apartment in D.C. But Cin also appears not to like him, calling him "the very special David Axelrod" and "Mandrake the Magician Axelrod." Oh, God, Axelrod, what did you do to piss off Cin so early in the game? Cin also hung out with Challenger, the official U.S. bald eagle, and has a few choice words for him, too.

Mariah Carey furiously cut out on the inauguration when she found out she wouldn't be seated up front with the Obama family. Larry King supposedly lost a mil in the Madoff mess, which would explain why he's been so mum about the whole thing. Mike Tyson's innate nobility and grace have finally been revealed through a new documentary about him. John Travolta and Kelly Preston are the targets of a $20 million extortion bid related to the recent death of their son, Jett, in the Bahamas.

Sting's wife, Trudie Styler, brought fresh water to the children of Ecuador. Dakota Fanning will play a tween-type vampirette in the next Twilight movie. Jason Wu's website got 4 million hits the day after Michelle Obama wore his fluffy white dress to the inaugural balls. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes may move to the U.K.

Josh Brolin broke out in hives playing Dubya in the movie of that name. Girls Gone Wild founder Joe Francis romped around in ladies' underwear at a Sundance gift lounge. Marisa Tomei learned her Wrestler pole-dancing moves from a real stripper named Misty. And that's just how we get, reading that poignant item! Finally, Britney Spears's "If You Seek Amy," the new song with the dirty coding in it that we didn't get yesterday, won't be played on Z100 unless they get a cleaned-up edit. We finally get the dirty coding, though, so thanks for your help on that. See, she's spelling out the dirty phrase, not saying it. Cole Porter has nothing on you, Brit.

Previously on's Daily Intel...

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