It's already been a gangbuster year for Isabel Toledo, having been seemingly plucked out of the air to serve as one of Michelle Obama's go-to designers. (Nevermind that she was already fairly well-known within the fashion community, if now the community-at-large.) Then in June she added another gem to her crown by becoming the subject of a museum exhibit -- an honor usually reserved by well-established, dead, or otherwise past-their-prime designers.
"Isabel Toledo: Fashion From the Inside Out," runs through September at FIT, and has proven to be incredibly popular since it's been up. The exhibit examines the designer's prowess in a variety of areas including shape, suspension, and "liquid architecture." The main draw, however, remains the outfits she designed for the First Lady -- the golden egg, of course, being the famous "Lemongrass" suit and coat that Michelle Obama wore on inauguration day. "It's like Mecca," the museum's deputy director Patricia Mears told WWD. "Everyone wants to see it."