In the convergence of all our first loves -- New York, Harry Winston and ridiculously lavish baubles -- the jeweler's latest venture has us truly smitten.
With a newly appointed Parisienne, Sandrine de Laage, as creative director, Harry Winston has announced the launch of "Made in New York," a jewelry line comprised of precious pieces inspired by the company's hometown landmarks. Oh, to have the Chrysler Building topped off with a Cabochon Sapphire and encrusted in diamonds for your finger, or your very own Central Park in the form of a massive, 7-carat emerald! The 40-piece collection will range in price between $2,200 and $2.5 million (yowza), and also includes a bite-size Guggenheim, a Sunset series of diamond-and-sapphire necklaces, and several watches.
We're dying to see images of all the rest -- could there be a sparkly tiara modeled on the Brooklyn Bridge in our future? The mind reels.