Victoria Beckham's “Commercial”

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The best thing about Victoria Beckham is that she doesn't ever take herself seriously.

If you watched even two minutes of her Coming to America special, or have heard her laugh front row, or have seen even one of her Marc ads, you know she's giggling behind those bug-eyed glasses. And you know she had a ball making this video for her new collection of Roland Mouret-inspired dresses.

She, and a couple of younger girls, flit around a very English looking home hiding behind curtains and tables, pulling tights, sweaters and lamp shades over their heads, laying across chairs and spinning on their very high heels all the while wearing the body conscious zippered dress Posh showed in New York this past September. There's nothing stuffy or pretentious or even very high fashion about it, just a few girls playing dress up and running around the house.

I've watched it three times: I want all the dresses and Posh to be my new best friend.

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