Roberta Myers: Online

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Even though Robbie Myers has appeared on more television shows (two) than any other fashion magazine editor-in-chief, she remains much quieter on her opinions and thoughts than certain other editors of certain other magazines.

So it was a little surprising when we caught her name in a byline on's fashion news blog, as "Roberta Myers".

In what looks like her first blog post ever, Robbie asks readers to leave questions for Caroline Kennedy. But our only questions is, is this the first time the editor of a major magazine has put herself in such an accessible position?

Many powerful figures leave enough buffer room between themselves and the online world - for all the obvious reasons - but Robbie's stepping into the anonymous unknown with little fear. So is this the first of many recurring posts from ELLE's EIC? And if so, does this mean she'll answer questions from the comments section, too?...

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