Mid-Day Snack


Upstream Upheaval: An intellectualization of the trials and tribulations of shopping for swimsuits and why, unless your Gisele or Gwyneth, the experience blows. {NewYorker}

Shopping Buzz: Singtex Industrial Company, based in Taiwan, is turning leftover coffee grounds into eco-friendly "soft, light, flexible and breathable" clothes that can be UV resistant and water-repellant. {Guardian}

Ghosts of Beales Past: A new family is moving into Grey Gardens. We hope this means Celerie Kemble is going to start wearing towels as head wraps and upside down skirts. We won't mind if they take a pass on the hot plates and raccoon roomies. {WWD}

Is Moss the New Cowell? Kate is apparently in talks to judge on a Battle of the Bands-y show in Britain. Loves it. The girl certainly knows her way around a tour bus or a music festival. {Grazia}

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