Checking in on 200 Atlantic


They call it the Cobble Mews: a Two Trees rental building that caused some commotion for wanting to build 10 feet higher than what's allowed in the Cobble Hill Historic District, 50 feet (their request was disapproved). Then there was the constant speculation about whether its neighbor, Trader Joe's, would open, and, if so, when. Okay, now we got TJ's, and all 50 feet of the building is up, so how are things at 200 Atlantic? Pretty good, reports Two Trees. Of the 32 apartments that went on the market about three week ago, 19 have signed leases. The range from one-bedrooms starting at $2500 to one-beds with office (no window, so they can't call it a bedroom) for $3250 to two-bed, two-baths starting at $3500. Some have private rooftop space, others have a shared terrace.
Two Trees Rental Rises As TJ’s Treads Water [Brownstoner] GMAP P*Shark DOB
10 Feet for Trader Joe's Building Preservation: A Fair Trade? [Brownstoner]
Will Two Trees Proposal for Atlantic Ave. Get Chopped? [Brownstoner]

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