At Industry City, Creative Workspace for Rent


Despite the fact that both office space rates and vacancies are climbing in Brookyn — at least they were back in August, pre-Lehman/Fannie/Freddie-etc crises — and Manhattan office rents might drop now, things are looking up for commercial work space in Brooklyn. Today, 11 "creative work spaces" are up for rent at Industry City, the six-million-square-foot Sunset Park complex that aims to snatch up some of the artsy commercial clientele getting priced out of Dumbo; spaces there average about $28 per square foot, says Industry City Creative Work Spaces consultant Chris Havens. These spaces, from 812 square feet to 2,598 square feet in a renovated, 100-year-old building, will go for around $16 per square foot. "We’re just trying to make it a better place to work and put more jobs in the building," says Havens; artists' spaces and industry/manufacturing spaces are also for rent, but this venture targets those with small businesses who need a wired, finished, pre-built office space. Today, ICCWS launches a blog. There you can find out when more spaces go on the market and the variety of delicious lunch spots that deliver to the complex — all important to create a positive work environment.
Brokers Target Creative Types for Workspaces [TRD]

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