Advice on Brooklyn Apartment Living


Did you know Brooklyn was the Borough of Trees? Actually, we're not sure it is (though once it was known as the Borough of Churches), but the renter-friendly Web site has added Brooklyn to the list of cities they cover, and they offer such insights, including these: "Around 44% of Brooklyn residents work within the area where small businesses are major employers. Others rely heavily on jobs in Manhattan for income. Historically, the Brooklyn economy has centered around manufacturing. However, manufacturing has seen a decline as jobs in services have increased." Must-see attractions include the Brooklyn Tabernacle, New York Aquarium and a bus tour known as "A Slice of Brooklyn." Recommended restaurants include Di Fara's, Al Di La and Tom's (no arguing there). What's odd, though, is their ranking of the "Top 3 Brooklyn Apartments." Here's the list:

Spring Creek Towers Apartments
1255 pennsylvania Avenue
Bedrooms: studio-3
Price: Please Call

Bay Ridge Residential Apartments
Shore Road
Bedrooms: studio-2
Price: $800-$2000

Archstone Brooklyn Heights Apartments
180 Montague Street
Bedrooms: studio-3
Price: $2250-$6000
*Pet Friendly*

Do those seem like the top three to you?
Photo by Sharpen.

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