Marilynn Marchione

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  • COVID-19 Jul 17, 2020

    New Studies Clarify Which Drugs Help, Hurt for COVID-19: A Look at the Big Three

    Fresh studies give more information about what treatments do or don’t work for COVID-19, with high-quality methods that give reliable results. British researchers on Friday published their research on the only drug shown to improve survival — a cheap steroid called dexamethasone. Two other studies found that the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine does not help people with only mild symptoms. For months...

  • obesity Dec 19, 2019

    Study Estimates That Half of US Adults Will Be Obese by 2030

    There’s no way to sugarcoat this news: Nearly half of American adults will be obese within a decade and one-quarter will be severely so, a new report predicts....


    It corrects for a weakness in previous estimates that may have made the problem seem not as big as it really is. Those estimates often relied on national health surveys and people tend...

  • New Jersey Jan 18, 2019

    In Limbo: Leftover Embryos Challenge Clinics, Couples

    Tens of thousands of embryos are stuck in limbo in fertility clinics, leftovers from pregnancy attempts and broken dreams of parenthood. Some are outright abandoned by people who quit paying storage fees and can’t be found. In other cases, couples are struggling with tough decisions. Jenny Sammis can’t bring herself to donate nearly a dozen of her extras to research....

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