New Jersey

New Jersey Priest Kept Child Porn as ‘Revenge' on God for Poker Losses

A New Jersey priest says he was trying to get revenge on God for poker losses when he collected computerized child pornography at his weekend home in Pennsylvania. 

The Rev. Kevin Gugliotta was sentenced Thursday to 11½ to 23½ months in the Wayne County jail, receiving credit for 10 months he's already served. He pleaded guilty to a single count of disseminating child pornography. 

Pretrial records show Gugliotta told probation officers he felt God was attacking him when he lost poker tournaments and games, and got "revenge" by collecting the porn. The Archdiocese of Newark says Gugliotta, who had been assigned to a church in Union County, New Jersey, is removed from active ministry and could be defrocked. 

Defense attorney Jim Swetz confirmed revenge was the priest's "reason" for collecting the porn.

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