New York-Presbyterian Hospital Creates Life-Saving CPR Spotify Playlist

All 40 songs aide in performing hands-only CPR

What to Know

  • New York-Presbyterian Hospital created a Spotify playlist and shared it via Twitter to help raise awareness about effective CPR.
  • Compromised of 40 songs,, each track consists of the “right beat” to time CPR compressions, so that 100 chest compressions are done per min.
  • Although released last March as part of a #HandsOnlyCPR campaign, the playlist has recently gained traction.

Perhaps you’re familiar with the rumor that humming “Stayin’ Alive” while doing chest compressions is the best way to perform CPR on someone. Some of you might even remember when Michael Scott memorably sang the Bee Gees’ hit when learning CPR with his co-workers on "The Office."

While chaos ensued in the rest of that episode, this CPR secret can still be beneficial to incorporate in everyday life, and New York-Presbyterian Hospital is here to help you do that.

The top-ranked NYPH created a Spotify playlist and shared it via Twitter to help raise awareness about effective CPR, and help everyday individuals easily remember how to time chest compressions.

"Only about 46 percent of cardiac arrest victims receive bystander intervention before EMS arrives and women are even less likely to receive intervention," Lauren Browdy, a spokesperson from NYPH, says. "But for every minute without CPR, the survival rate decreases by 10 percent."

Although released last March as part of a #HandsOnlyCPR campaign, the playlist has recently gained traction and has been increasingly shared throughout Twitter within the last few days. The NYPH staff, and specifically Dr. Holly Andersen, a cardiologist, have worked hard to raise more awareness on bystander CPR, and believe this playlist helps make situations like that less scary so that bystanders are more likely, and able to jump in and help.

"Dr. Holly Anderson has been advocating for everyone to learn Hands Only CPR with three easy steps: Check, Call, Compress," Browdy says. "Her goal is to teach everyone to not be afraid to jump in.'

Comprised of 40 songs at 100 BPM, each track consists of the optimum beat to time CPR compressions, so that 100 chest compressions are done per minute.

With songs like “Dancing Queen” by ABBA and “Spirit In The Sky” by Norman Greenbaum, to current hits like “Sorry” by Justin Bieber and “Closer” by The Chainsmokers, there’s a song for everyone to learn how to effectively and simply save a life in a time of need.

Check out the rest of the tracks here, and check out more about the Hands Only CPR campaign here, which has instructional videos so you can learn at home.

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