In what's probably the greatest thing you'll see on the internet this week, artist/illustrator Christoph Niemann writes, "During the cold and dark Berlin winter days, I spend a lot of time with my boys in their room. And as I look at the toys scattered on the floor, my mind inevitably wanders back to New York." The results, crafted in Lego, are small pieces of genius. [Abstract City]
Niemann has images of more than 20 city landmarks and other locations, including the Empire State Building, the Flatiron Building, one orange square representing the Staten Island Ferry, a taxi meter and a Metro card, among other items.
At nearly 9 p.m. Wednesday, there were nearly 900 comments on the site. Here's a sampling:
Conor says: "Incredibly imaginative! Brings me back to my (less artistic) schooldays."
Webbiest says: "clever and too too funny."
Greg Howard says: "Brilliant AND funny. A bit homesick, eh?"
m morrissey: "Brilliant and sweet, actually. Impossible to hate legos!"
Anne Hills: "Clever and fun. Some of these are especially inspired. Thanks for letting me tap into my imagination today."