Atlantic City

Atlantic City Mayor Accidentally Hits 7-Year-Old Girl While Driving City Vehicle

Investigators determined the crash was unavoidable and Guardian was not issued a motor vehicle summons

A young girl is recovering after she was struck by a city-issued vehicle driven by Atlantic City’s mayor, according to investigators.

Police say Atlantic City mayor Don Guardian was driving westbound on Route 30 in his city vehicle at 3:20 p.m. Saturday in front of the High Gate Apartments in Atlantic City when a 7-year-old girl ran from the sidewalk and into the roadway. The girl was then struck by the passenger rear door of Guardian’s vehicle.

The girl was taken to the AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center and treated for minor injuries. Mayor Guardian was not hurt in the accident.

Investigators determined the crash was unavoidable and Guardian was not issued a motor vehicle summons.

If you have any information on the incident, please call the Atlantic City Police Department Accident Investigations Section at 609-347-5744. You can also text to tip411 (847411) by beginning the text with ACPD. All texts are anonymous.

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