Topshop … on Fire!

Who knew there'd be some real local news amid Nylon's snarky blogs today? Sandwiched between a style posting about Kelly Osbourne and a play-by-play of Debbie Harry's performance last night, an intrepid reporter took images of a fire (that's right: flames, fire trucks, the whole nine) that broke out last night on the top floor of the yet-to-open Topshop store. Apparently said reporter was eating dinner in Soho when she started to smell "burning wood," and looked up to see the fiery chaos unfolding. (Amazingly: She was quick to follow up that we could go ahead and satisfy our shopping needs at the US version of Topshop's website. Um, fire? Fire! Hello! Stop shopping and deliver some news!)

Granted, girlfriend took what looks like a cell phone picture of the events, but we were still incredulous. After checking around, however, it looks like the inferno was real: The Cut blog on also reported the fire, and was clever enough to follow up with the folks over at Topshop. A rep for the store told them: "At this point we do not anticipate any delays in the store opening."

Well, we'd certainly hope not. We've been waiting for the opening of this mega-chain since oh, forever, and if the opening doesn't go ahead as planned for March, there's gonna be a riot. And we're going to be leading it.

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