Rodarte for Target may not be available until December 20, but lucky locals will get a taste of the merchandise over a week early when Target unveils a holiday pop-up Friday, December 11, featuring some select pieces from the line.
According to Racked, the holiday pop-up is called "Target To-Go," and will feature a selection of pre-wrapped holiday gifts ripe for the picking, among them a few dresses (including, apparently, the infamous rib cage sequin dress) and some belts from the Rodarte for Target collection. To be fair, Racked also points out that there's a press preview the day before the pop-up opens to the public, and considering how utterly insane the press preview for Jimmy Choo's H&M collection was, we're inclined to agree that the selection by Friday may be severely limited. That said, we're betting there's a big line when the doors open at 10AM.
Target To-Go Holiday Pop-up
December 11-13
Corner of Gansevoort and Washington Streets; 10AM-8PM