Reasons to Survive November

"November like a train wreck," writes poet Tony Hoagland, "as if a locomotive made of cold/ had hurtled out of Canada/ and crashed into a million trees." His poem "Reasons to Survive November" can be an inspiration this time of year, when things turn bleak, and seemingly the only cold comfort is in visiting family at the end of the month. But then, as Hoagland notices, there are other, better reasons to make it through to December:

The sky is a thick, cold gauze—
but there's a soup special at the Waffle House downtown

The nearest Waffle House to NYC is 97 miles away in Bethlehem, PA, but the idea's still a good one. So, herewith, with apologies to Hoagland, are some reasons around New York to survive November.

Spaghetti Squash Carbonara at Sweetwater in Williamsburg. This fall harvest twist on the traditional egg and cheese pasta dish served with a poached egg on top is rich and healthy at the same time and ridiculously, ridiculously good.

Fresh Brussels sprouts on the stalk are available at the farmer's markets. Get them on the smallish side and toss in a pan with oil slat and pepper.

Movember. The fund raising mustache growing club has given the month a better name. The combines a little bit of folicular creativity, style, and at its charity event last Friday at Capitale, Playboy Playmates and Canadian Club to warm things up.

Mulled, spiced apple cider at Brooklyn Ale House. Once November comes, the pub adds hot apple cider spiked with rum or whiskey to its Saturday and Sunday bagel brunch options.


The Wednesday Fish Fry special at the Mermaid Inn is back. The seafood restaurant slums with a $20 classic fried cod basket available every Wednesday. Wash it down with a $2 PBR, close your eyes and think of the beach.

There's no line at the Shake Shack. Just waltz right up to the window.

The Jets are still in first place.

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