Anna Wintour Applauds the Downsizing of Fashion Week

Anna Wintour feels Isaac Mizrahi deserved to have the show we caught her at yesterday — but that not every designer should take them for granted. Asked how the economic downturn was impacting the tents, Anna found the upside of industrywide imperilment. “There’s definitely more presentations [this season], which I actually think is a great thing because a lot of people before were having shows that simply shouldn’t have been having them,” Anna said, front row at Isaac’s less-than-packed New York Public Library bonanza.

“I think a certain amount of winnowing out of who’s going to be on the runway and who’s not is not at all a bad thing,” Wintour continued. “Last season we had so many complaints because it was just back-to-back shows, and to be honest, people that shouldn’t be doing it … it’s much better to see them in the showroom or more of a low-key presentation. It’s more realistic.” Ouch. As for who exactly benefited from this economically induced reality check, Anna refused to name names. Though she did have this to say of her beloved Marc Jacobs: “The best thing about the Marc Jacobs show was that it started two minutes early.”

Read more posts by Suzanne Zuckerman

Filed Under: anna wintour, fall 2009, Isaac Mizrahi, new york fashion week, show & tell, Wintour of Our Discontent

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