Bucking the trend of new developments that obscure long-beloved murals, a developer in Hell's Kitchen is trying a different tact: offering up two spaces on Tenth Avenue for an artist to create twin pieces of art. And not just any art: giant art! Iconic art! Art that preservationists will fight to save sometime around 2042!
These art-spaces (denoted with handy dotted lines in the image) appear on the sides of 800 Tenth Avenue, a 96-unit residential conversion by FXFowle Architects that appears to span Tenth Avenue and 53rd Street and appears to have been given the name Griffin Court Condos. With completion of the buildings set for next year, developer Alchemy Properties needs an artist. Perhaps that artist is you.
Here's the word on the contest from Alchemy:
The winner will create a publict art fixture on 2 walls* of a new residential building to be completed Fall of 2010. This is a large-scale project and presents an opportunity to create a lasting artistic presence on a public scale, enhancing both the building and the community around it.
Application (click to download application)
An essay (500 words) explaining why you should be chosen to create this artwork and what your vision for the space is
A scale sketch of the artwork to fill the space
A resume
A portfolio of art representing your skill and style of art
Finalists will interview with a committee who will then choose a winner.Judges committee includes: TBD
*1st wall approx. 1800 sq. ft. (31' x 66'). 2nd wall approx. 4700 sq. ft. (roughly 59' x 83'). Both walls are outlined in red dashed lines.
Prizes: A stipend of $20,000, covering the cost of art supplies for the mural's development.
A one-hour consultation with Art Dealer Deborah Davis.
Display of the winning artist's other works of art in the 800 Tenth Ave. lobby.
An art show for the winning artist will be staged in the building's lobby or courtyard when 800 Tenth Ave. is completed.
Sounds like a party! Feel free to cc us on your submissions or concepts; we'll run our favorites.