CB2 To Vote Tonight on Dock Street


Community Board 2's land use committee failed by one vote to approve the mixed-use development in Dumbo known as Dock Street when it met last month. Since then, the opposition has held a protest (at right) to call attention to how the 18-story project would block views from and of the Brooklyn Bridge and the Brooklyn Paper has written an article in which it says views wouldn't be that obstructed by proposed building after all. Now, tonight, the full board of Community Board 2 will convene for a final vote on the project, which includes roughly 400 apartments (20% of which would be affordable) and a public middle school. And even though its decision carries no legal weight (merely advisory), breaths are bated on both sides. Jed Walentas even wrote a letter to the board earlier this week that included this rendering intended to address the criticism that Dock Street would be as big a blight on the Brooklyn side of the bridge as the Verizon building is on the Manhattan side. Regardless of the outcome of tonight's vote, the matter will work its way through the ULURP food chain, from borough president to City Planning to City Council to the Mayor.
CB2 Says Dock Street Design is "Too Tall" [Brooklyn Paper]
Dock Street Moves Forward — Second Vote on Saturday [Brooklyn Paper]
Full House, No Vote at Dock Street Hearing [Brownstoner] GMAP
How Does Dock Street Stack Up? [Brownstoner]
The Next Step for Dock Street [Brownstoner]
DOE: It's Time to Examine Dock Street [Brownstoner]
Two Trees Plans Mixed Use Building Next to Bridge [Brownstoner]
Dock Street Plans (Marina and All) Go 3D [Brownstoner]
Dock Street Protesters: 20% There on Signatures [Brownstoner]
Protest photo from DumboNYC

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