Brooklyn Bridge Park: The Timeline Emerges


Three "significant portions" — that's phase 1, folks — of Brooklyn Bridge Park should be done by the end of 2009 (construction started in late October). That's the word from the Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy. Despite the tanking economy, two-thirds of the $47 million park will be open to the public by 2013. If we're going by previous stats, it should be a hit: 270,000 visitors from around the world showed up last summer alone. Above you can see the proposed schedule. Last we checked, neighborhood issues still unresolved included some residents' fears that the park will become a staging area for construction equipment (which will be nearby to fix the BQE) and grumblings that the beloved raised walkways in the park design had been removed. Oh, and maybe the golf balls from One Brooklyn Bridge Park's terrace putting greens, too.

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