A collage created by Tricia Vita of the Coney Island History Project memorializing Astroland was stolen sometime late Saturday night, reports Gowanus Lounge! This is terrible news! Vita wrote in to GL yesterday to report the theft, saying "my collage was stolen!!! thank you for posting info about the shrine. collage was stolen overnight. it happened overnight…."
Fans of the park have also hung a bouquet of flowers and a piece of art depicting a ballerina, but Vita's hoping for more additions to the makeshift shrine. Before the theft, she encouraged others to '"contribute photos, drawings, letters, poems, flowers and mementoes (sic)." So while this theft knocked back that early progress, it's safe to expect others to continue adding memories of Astroland on their own.
An email to the Coney Island History Project went unanswered; we wanted ask if they had any plans for a replacement. Otherwise, it looks like it's up to you. Carry on, Astrolanders.
Update: I spoke with Tricia, who's not too dismayed by the thievery. She plans to create replicas of the collage and sell them to raise money for the Coney Island History Project. She's still adding art to the memorial, and hopes to have it looking spiffy in time for for the January 1st crowds. If you're in the area anytime between Memorial Day and Labor Day, stop by their exhibition just below the Cyclone.
Visit Flickr for a photo of the shrine, including the now missing Astroland collage.
Above photo used with permission, c/o Tricia Vita.