Website Helps You Save Money in Under a Minute

 Ever wondered if you're paying too much for your cell phone plan? Or too much interest on your credit card? According to the website, you probably aren't get the best deal out there and they want to help.

The website is free and it analyzes your finances and your habits and shows you ways to save. Taryn Langer at BillShrink walked us through the process for saving on cell phones.

"It'll analyze your actual bill to show you who you're calling the most, what times of day your calling the most."

According to Langer, the majority of users are able to find cell phone plans that save upwards of 800 dollars a year.

"People can save money on cell phone plans ... on their credit card bills ... on gas and also they can find out where to earn the most money on savings accounts and cds," said Langer.

Can you find this information yourself? Sure, probably. But the convenience factor here is significant, especially with the hunt for the most economical cell phone plan. There are 10 million different plans out there. will go through all the plans and figure out which is best for you.

The average user saves a total of $1500 per year and has the added satisfaction of knowing the bill collectors aren't getting more money from you than they deserve.

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