Darren Price

Man Mistakes Phone Conversation for Insult, Stabs Stranger: Sources

A stranger may have misunderstood a cell phone conversation before he stabbed a man in a Brooklyn deli. Checkey Beckford reports.

An attacker who mistook a phone conversation for an insult stabbed a complete stranger in the back on Monday afternoon in Brooklyn, according to law enforcement sources.

The victim was having a conversation with someone on the phone as he entered a bodega on Broadway in Bushwick about 12:30 p.m. when he walked by his attacker, according to the sources. 

Sources said the attacker mistook the phone conversation for some sort of insult or slight, and followed the man inside. He allegedly asked the man "what did you say about me?" before stabbing him in his right shoulder. 

The attacker left the bodega afterward. Sources said the victim was taken to Kings County Hospital and is expected to recover. 

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